Tuesday, May 31, 2011


So, anyone who knows me and my family, knows that my son can't sleep.  He's never been able to.  When he was a baby and people told not to worry, that he would start sleeping through the night between 3 and 6 months, I had hope.  Then when 9 months rolled around, and then a year, I cursed those people and called them liars in the middle of the night when I was still up with my son.

So 4 1/2 years later my body has adjusted to never sleeping a whole night, but my Dr. has decided that not sleeping a whole night is abnormal for a child of 4 1/2.  (Seriously it took them THIS long to figure this out?) So last night the boy participated in a sleep study.  Here's how it went. I'm going to do the short version because I'm really tired, so here it is.

First we get there and they show us to our room.  Leave us for a bit, then come back and and begin putting little nodes (?) all over him.  And I mean everywhere.  He had two on each calf, two on his chest, one on his neck, a bazillion on his face and head. Yes I said a bazillion, I counted. This is what he looked like.

Looks comfy right?

Then, thinking he was finally done, after and hour of this, they bring the big guns.  Two nose sensors.  Have you ever tried to sleep with things stuck up your nose? Neither have I, but Lex did not like it.  Here's the nose thingys.
All those cords in the back, yup they are attached to him somewhere

So then they are like, OK, have a nice night, sleep tight.  Seriously? So an exhausted Lex finally falls asleep, the nice lady runs in and inserts the nose thingys back into Lex's nose (he wasn't having any of it when he was awake and pulled them out) and leaves.  Thus begins a very annoying pattern.  Lex wakes up, pulls the nose things out, and goes back to sleep. Nice lady sneaks in, puts them back in and leaves.  Repeat. Needless to say no one slept that good.  Then they come in at 5:30 and wake us up telling us it's morning and the study is over. Good times.

Seriously though, I hope in 10 days to 2 weeks they come back telling us something that would be helpful to helping the boy (and me) sleep through the night. I think we deserve that much.

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