Friday, May 13, 2011

Daydreams VS Reality

In my daydreams I always pictured raising chickens in this beautiful chicken coop, with pretty little window box flowers, painted red with white trim, and filled with lovely egg laying hens. I envisioned looking out my window and seeing fat, little chickens wondering around my yard pecking at the ground, and collecting eggs every morning. Little gifts from my happy chickens.

In reality my husband decided he didn't have time to build a coop, even though I found the perfect building plans, I am not allowed to keep chickens at my house (a long story that will make you head implode from the sheer ridiculousness and injustice....I live on a freaking farm!), and I only have 3 hens left, so that doesn't really leave me with  a large amount of egg laying hens.  But I've decided to embrace this reality and make it the best it can be.

On Sunday the chicks moved to my brother's house with a nice homemade run Ty made for them.  They spend all day in it and then I put them back in their brooder for the night. They really like being outside all day, pillaging the ground and looking for bugs. Then yesterday their new home came in the mail.  Yes, I ordered and Eglu.  I have been in love with these for quite sometime.  They are cute, modern, and on sale! If you don't know about these adorable little coops then check out their website. Adorable!  We bought and Eglu Go, because it was on sale, but I like the Eglu cube the best.  Seriously check out their website, you will fall in love.

So here is my lovely husband, who just got back from work when I begged him to put it together.  So Ty and the kids built my Eglu while I giddily jumped around the yard.

Here's all the pieces spread out in the driveway

Everyone helping put in the screws

Tank wanted to check it out to make sure everything was up to snuff.

Everyone is happy with their hard work, and now I have an adorable chicken coop!

This chicks have only spent a couple of nights in their new home, but I think they will come to love it.  I'm coming to enjoy my reality as well.  Even though I miss having the chicks at my house, and I would love to be able to look out my window and see them.  Keeping them at my brother's house is better than not having any at all.

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