Monday, January 23, 2012

Stitches.....Not the Knitting Kind

I could make this into a really drawn out story about my weekend, but instead I'm just going to give you the facts. Lex was running around my parent's Honda shop and ran into a display.  He hit the bridge of his nose and got  a pretty deep gash.  Well I'd call it more of a divot. It was really deep and gross. Anyways, I was called, and we met up at the emergency room.  Two X-rays and a bazillion superficial questions about the state of my beautiful boys little face later, my son had 3 stitches and a bruised face.

Before the stitches. The cut doesn't look so horrendous in this picture. Lucky you.

After the stitches.
I am so proud of my little man.  He didn't scream and cry when the doctor put the numbing medicine on. He just balled up his fist, trembled and  little tears just slid down his face, but he didn't squirm or try to move. He was so brave.  It just about tore me to pieces. I have one amazing little boy. Now if only I could keep him in one piece.


  1. Poor Lex! (Poor you!) I'm sure it'll heal up just fine. Oh, kids...

  2. I'm so glad it wasn't more serious. When my children were young I thought I should have a charge card at the emergency roo. They were all athletic and clumsy to boot. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary
