Monday, January 2, 2012

Skiing and Slippers

I've been wrestling with myself about what to put in this blog post.  I thought about wtiting how great Christmas was spending with all my family, and blah blah.  But I decided against it because 1) it would take about 20,000 words to describe how much I love being with my family (I'm talking the whole fam. All 13 of us.) and 2) It might get a little boring and it would probably make me cry.  So I've decided against it.  All I'm going to say is I had a great Christmas, I love my family, and my kids are the cutest little skiers in the world.

This was Lilly's first year skiing.  That is her little Ski School Vest.

In knitting news, the pair of slippers I made myself 2 years ago now have holes. Terribly sad, but I found this adorable pattern for new slippers on Ravelry and HAD to make them. Since I'm a dork, and didn't do anything on New Year's Eve I ended up knitting the whole thing.  It was a really easy and fast project.  I felted  them yesterday and am now anxiously awaiting them to dry.  Super adorable right?

Gosh I love knitting. I would seriously probably go crazy or kill someone if I didn't knit.

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