Monday, February 7, 2011

My Superpower

I don't know if you know this about me, but I have a very unique superpower.  Now I don't think it will save the world, but it has saved my carpet, sanity, and probably numerous other things.  My superpower is the ability to look into the future and tell when my son is going to vomit.

To fully appreciate this power, you need to know a couple things about Lex.  For some unknown reason, the doctor's are still unable to tell me why and help me stop it, Lex is a chronic vomiter.  (Is that a word?) When he was younger he would vomit 5 to 10 times a day.  Good times right? Even know at the age of 4 he will randomly get up at night coughing and eventually vomit.  He vomits during the day sometimes as well. Here's where my superpower comes in.

Lex when he's not 
I have no idea how it works.  But I can wake up from a dead sleep, and  know that Lex is going to vomit.  I run from my bed, across the hall grabbing a trash can just in time for Lex to lean over the bed and vomit into my awaiting trash can.  This isn't a one time event.  It happens all the time.  I just know in advance when he is going to puke.   I know your thinking that's gross and weird, but just think how much cleanup time it has saved me.  So there you have it.  I'm a superhero.  Someday I will be able to save the world from a vomitty mess. Now all I need is a cape.

1 comment:

  1. It's really sad, but the way you wrote it makes it kind of funny too. Way to look at the positive side!
