Friday, April 29, 2011

And Then There Were Five....

When we started out wonderful chicken hatching journey we were blessed with 6 chicks, which we named Henrietta, Lizzie, Emma, Fanny, Juniper, and Penelope. We've greatly enjoyed watching them grow, and learning about each one's personalities.  First we found that Lizzie and Emma were actually Cock-a-doodle-do, and Bubba (yes, our little hens are actually roosters).

Then we observed that they love eating bread, jumping around wildly when let out of their brooder, and LOVE going outside and ranging around the big pine tree.  That is were out sad story begins.

They also love the mulch around my laundry line
Here's Bubba
Easter Sunday, after all the fun and frivolities, we came home and decided it was nice enough to let you chickens outside to play for a little bit. WORST MISTAKE EVER! They enjoyed wondering around the yard, especially the large pine tree we have near our driveway.  Aren't they adorable?

After about an hour, the kids wanted to take our dogs for a walk.  Ty and I decided the chicks were having such a good time, and the weather was nice for the first time in weeks, that we would let them stay out while we walked the dogs.   Half an hour later when we returned home, the kids and I could only find 5 chickens.  After much panicking and frantic searching, we found out that my mother-in-law's dog, who lives 2 houses away, came frolicking by and ate Fanny.  

OK, as if, her dog eating my chicken wasn't bad enough, try explaining that grandma's dog ate your beloved chicken to a 2 and 4 year old.  It did not go well. There were many tears shed.  Here is our last picture of our beloved Fanny. 
Fanny is the large one, Penelope is the small one.

Beautiful little Fanny you will be remembered by the Moser household.

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