Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Museum, Running, and Possibly Jail

Last week I took my two little ones down to Indianapolis to the Children's Museum.  If you have never been there, you must go.  I loved the dinosaur exhibit and the new Treasures of the Earth exhibit as much as my children.

Here's Lilly. Apparently she's a transformer and I never even knew it!

Lex turned into a dinosaur while we were there. Also surprising.

They were able to dig for dinosaur bones and also for Chinese clay soldiers.

They were pretty tuckered out by the time we went home. 

On to more news. I have recently decided to run a marathon this November.  I am not a great runner, but I'm not horrible. I've run about 5 mini marathons and thought, "What the heck. When is going to be a better time to train for this thing than now." So I signed up.

This news was met with mixed responses. My mother thought it was awesome. My brother Zach can't let me do anything without him, so he is now running the marathon with me. My sister and the rest of my side of the family thought it was great. That was the supportive side of the family. 
When explaining to my husband how great it would be to join the elite few who had run a marathon he said, "You wouldn't be one of those because you won't run the whole thing." Ahh, the ever support and praising Tyler.  He's always so proud of me, can't you tell?

And then, there is my Father-in-Law Tom. When hearing the news from Tyler, (I would never tell Tom thison my own for fear of his typically rude comments) Tom said, "You know it's 26.2 miles right?

"Yes, Tom. I am aware of the distance of a marathon." I replied in my nice, calm voice, that hid the irritation I felt.

"You know you are going to have to practice running long distances right? I don't think you will be able to do this." He said back to me, smiling the whole time

I replied "Umm, yea.  I was kind of planning on running at least one long distance run every week to prepare, and then a bunch of smaller ones on the other days. Hopefully by a couple weeks before the marathon I will be able to run a 17 to 20 mile run." Seriously, there has got to be some kind of reward waiting for me in heaven for dealing with this man.

Tom happily ends the conversation with this little comment. " Well, you probably will be able to since you go so slow.  Anyone could do a marathon at your pace." 

Yup, that's what he said.  Which  leads me to the next part of this blog post, and explains the title.  I may got to jail sometime in the future for killing this man.  After  insulting my running skill,. (Okay, I may not be fast, but I've never seen you go any farther than three miles Tom!) he turns to my 3 year old daughter and reminds her that the whole extended family is going out to eat tomorrow. She turns to him all excited and tells him what she is going to have when they go. She wants two grilled cheese sandwiches and some applesauce. My gem of a Father-in-Law replies with this, "Well I don't think you should have 2, it'll make you chubby." 

Yup, I'm going to kill him. (As a little background to the situation, these people are OBSESSED with weight.  They have been giving me a hard time for years for eating a whole sandwich).  I draw the line at saddling a three year old girl with worrying about her weight. I politely told him that she could eat anything and as much of it as she wanted, gathered my family up, and went home.  I'm seriously not looking forward to going out to eat tonight.   

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Summer, I feel for you. I mean, I don't know what it feels like since my in-laws are...well, your family, and they're great. But I'm sorry you go through such rough times with yours. And, btw, I'm amazed you are doing a marathon, not because I don't think you can do it (I know you can), but because I wouldn't even want to endure the pain! You are awesome!
