Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Someday I'll Laugh About This......

I don't have a cute craft, or funny story about my kids today.  Instead, I have a ridiculous tale that involves myself, a scooter, darkness, a stubborn cheap husband, and a whole lot of rain.

Last night was bingo night.  Don't judge, I love to go to bingo with my mother and grandmother.  It's mostly for the conversation and the good food. I had asked my husband a couple of days ago if it would be alright if I went, and he had no problems with it.  I came home from work, got supper ready and was excited about my evening out, when my husband says, "you have to take the scooter into bingo. You can't go unless you take the scooter.  It's nice outside. You'll be fine."

For those of you who don't know Tyler, let me say this.  He loves me, but he is very, very money conscious. He will save money at any cost. ANY COST, as you will see. "I don't feel comfortable riding the scooter that far at night by myself." I said.  Now don't get me wrong, I love to ride my scooter.  It is fun and freeing, and I really really enjoy it DURING THE DAY.  My darling husband replied, "You'll be fine.  The more you do it, the more comfortable you'll feel.  You either ride the scooter or don't go." I rode the scooter, muttering angrily to myself the whole 25 miles and 40 minutes it took me to get to Kendallville  for bingo.

Bingo was delightful, and I enjoyed myself immensely.  At about 9:00 I got a call from my husband who sheepishly said this. "Umm,'s raining really hard here. Be careful driving home."  To which I said nothing.  I then told my mother that I hoped that I would die from pneumonia,and that it would serve him right.

Luckily I had packed mittens and my winter coat for the trip home, along with my full face helmet.  Needless to say I spent the next 50 minutes (I had to go slower in the POURING rain) hunched on my scooter driving down scary back roads in the pouring rain.

When I got home and was able to pry my fingers off the handle bars and park the scooter in the garage, I walked into a completely dark house. Yes, he didn't even wait up to make sure I made it home safely.
I then realized  that I was extremely cold, and extremely wet.  The rain had soaked through my winter coat, zip up sweatshirt, gray cardigan, long sleeve t-shirt, and tank top.  (Don't judge, I'm a layer-er.  At any given time I have at least 2 layers on.)

After putting dry close on, I continued to shake in my bed for 2 hours before I finally got warm enough to fall asleep.  When my husband woke up and tried to apologize, I told him to talk to his saved gas money because I didn't want to hear it.

Someday I'm sure I will laugh about this, but today is not that day.

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